Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna
I'm in love with the author, they are incredible in both gl and bl, they tackle important things like consent, sexism, and normal bodily functions. I adored the period chapter. Love the dynamic of those two leads. 10/10 would gay again
High Clear
As of now it's really good. The pairing is adorable and I just can't wait for new chapters
Dear My Master
Finally a relationship without rape, sa forcing just two respectful partners who both agreed and enjoy each others company. The pairing is cute, and respectful and they have good time together Just one problem can japanese authors please spot the difference between dominant/submissive and sadist/masochist THOSE ARE NOT THE SAME, they can be together but don't have to. You can be submissive without being masochistic and dominant without sadistic. But they somehow don't know the difference and treat is as a synonym?
Work Love Balance
Ruins the original story. DON'T BOTHER reading it if you cherish the original story
Inma-kun wa Oshigoto Dekinai