THEY'RE A SWITCHHHHH!!!! I FUCKING LOVE YOU ALL!!!! Edit2(Self reminder): Stopped at ch. 47
Full volume
Lol, they're brothers alright. The eldest broke the bed now the youngest broke the table Edit2: ch.121 Emotional Damage Edit3: ch.127 LMFAOOO poor Beom
Chap.41 great and all but the translation is not it Edit1: Ch.88 Ik I should be crying but my heart's pounding Edit2: ch.90 word bithc Edit3: what in the everything kinky shit is this ch.92
The Boy And The Wolf
Ep57 that was wholesome
Sweet Fever - Genshin Impact dj
Yooo, was that Alien stage on the last panels of Special.8?
Roses and Champagne
Why why WHY!! Why can't I just get smut with no goddarn cliffhangers!!! Ch.58 Tsar is O.B.S.S.E.S.S.E.D! Edit2: Ayo! New cover?! It's so flippin pretty!! Just look at the way Tsar gazes at Lee Won Edit3: Ch.73 holy fuk!!!
Razoku no Hanayome