Monster and Ghost
0911/23 (2) - holy shit. this is straight up PHENOMENAL. god fucking damn the art is so amazing i literally pause and just take in the art on every page it's just amazing. god. i cant im so sad it really had to end on a sad note abt how one of them is already dead :((( mannnn this is gonna be so angsty and amazing i just know it 300124 (3.5) - STFU IM CRYINGGG im so happy the author confirmed it has a happy ending idk what i would do if it didnt have one T^T i adore them so so much. also I CANT BELIEVE THIS IS THEIR FIRST OG WORK?!! ITS SO FUCKING GOOD WHAT 310324 (5) - GOD I NEED THE NEXT CH SO BAD AAAAA ALSO omg the freakin extras are tooo cute and oiwehfoivhdis god i just love them so much 140624 (6) - (reread and caught up again) OH MY GOD STOP GIMME MOREEEE each chapter is such a fuckin masterpiece 170924 (7) [did not save photos] - STOPPP OMG this manga is literally too good T^T i love them so much they make me so sad and happy at the same time i cannot. him touching tsubaki for the first time... ARGH MY HEART 011124 (8) [dns] NOOO GIMME MORE I CANNOT RJSHSYUE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH GODDD dhhsj kabuto in that last panel crying he’s soo beautiful and cute. his smile ughh he’s such a sweet little angel. ALSO TSUBAKI HOLT SHIT DUDEEE HES SO HOT BRO HIS BODY IS INSANE DIDHJS the details too oml this artist is godly 141124 (9) [saved] i rlly shouldn't have but the way i fucking laughed when truck kun came aint no fucking way they pulled that brooooo i need the next ch so bad that was so fuckign foul lmfao. i cannot WAIT for the angst omg 12025 (10) [jrr dns] bro wtf the uploader uploaded an incomplete chapter or smth bruh i would have preferred waiting for the full thing..
Sayonara no Moment
281123 (5.5) - HOLY SHIT. I CRIED 10 TIMES READING THIS oh my god rwoufviw this was soo 3 i miss ryousuke already but it's okay the ending was so good T^T. this author is amazing ahhh i've read all their works and they're all soo freakin well written
Sanzu no Kawa no Mukou no Kimi
040924 (5.5) - HELLO?!!! THIS? WAS? SO? CUTE????? omg i loved it omg lmao my brain is so tiny that i didnt even realise but Bunny_pan commented this and they're so right: "This was so interesting and new to me but there were so much going on that was just mentioned in passing and was never explained. 1. The pedophile that assaulted him when he was kid 2. The funeral procession he kept seeing from the start 3. How he wound up being able to see ghosts in the first place 4. Why is there always a shift in the supernatural abilities as time goes by.... idk there's so much more but I truly did enjoy this, I love the charas, I just wish there was more kukuku"
081024 (10) thist was so interesting and the art is so fucking good but that conclusion was kinda lackluster. wtv the character designs were also great i liked this a lot. wished it was longer
Not for the Faint of Heart
210125 (12.5) obvious that he was in a coma and not dead lol but yeah that was sweet !
Kare to obake to ren'ai shousetsuka