Silver Diamond
22/10 10:12pm (vol 5) - this author's mangas give mega like disney princess vibes and i am all for it. my god this is such a fascinating story and im so in love with these characteres
I Offer My Neck to You
01/11/22 6:19am (14) - omg ch 13 was so fucking sad 3:38pm (finished) - oh wow that was amazing :’) I can’t get over how beautiful yanchen is omg
Bad Friend
14/11 (read 40) - WTAF THATS IT?? I NEED MORE
Yuusha-sama no Senzoku Gakari - Nyotaika shita Ore ga Kyuuai saretemasu
22/11 7:12pm (9) - for a pretty low rated manga i actually really enjoyed this. the sex was really forceful but when i forget about that the romance is pretty cute and the plot is interesting 091123 (9) - i just reread and seriouslyy i think this deserves way higher than 8.4 rating. sho sucked ass at the start and i was his no1 hater but he really redeemed himself. the story is soo cute i just wish there was more ;-; like what happens nextt did he change back to being a man?
Itoshi no Kemukujara
150724 - i swear i legit reread this not too long ago, why tf did i not write any comment???
Welcome to the Café of Love
01/12/23 5:33pm - finished the main story! i didn't finish the side story (ch 51-55) because its not my thing.
The Fairy Bath Thief
05/12 12:20am (14) - SAN'S BACKSTORY IS SO SAD WTF. my heart broke for him, his mum and his dad] 12:49pm (31.5) - omg first story is over i miss san and chung lee already :(( 1:30pm (41) - WTF I WANT MOREEE I HAVE TO WAIT NOW 141123 - help why did i call him chung lee AHHAHA isnt his name hyosin lee helP??? anyway i plan to reread and catch up on thisss the white haired bbg better be the uke im pre sure it's implied (a comment said so) so thank goddd oh i read somewhere else someone calling hyoshin chung lee so maybe i was right ahaha 201123 fuck this shit lol everyones saying the blondie is the top actually kys bitch why would u think or make the gorgeous babygirl top? fuck these bitches hes a bottom
Ikenie Monzenbarai
07/12 8:40pm - OMG OMG I JUST FINISHED THIS AND I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY. i absolutely adore everything about this story. the characters are so loveable, the CP's dynamic is so funny yet cute and the plot is so interesting! the art is beautiful and the design is so good. i am so goddamn excited for the sequel ahhhh i hope it shows the baby and daija's parents. this author is so good i swear i also loved their other story, Ore no Aoharu wa Watasanai
Mermaid's Egg