Syunrai to Mitsu
2022-09-10 the characters are beautiful 290724 - so gonna reread this soon, i fucking adore stories set in china. seems yan is japanese and yuen is chinese. oh wait i'm pre sure yan is chinese, but moved to japan after getting released from prison, became a yakuza and then came back??
Cherry To Skirt
110125 (5) not bad!!! 2nd and 3rd story were kinda weird, didn't read the 4th, the other 2 were cute. i thought it was all abt one cp so i was shocked when ch 2 was a new story lmaoo
Misaki's Secret
220125 (6) omg i actually loved this. uke is flipping gorgeous and this is pretty damn cute. also art is so lovely. wait i just noticed from the comments they never did anything with his legs OMG that's so true we were robbed lmao it was a golden opportunity. his legs were like, the focal point and yet no leg worship??
Be Around Me
150225 holy fucking shit im so blessed this looks FUCKING INSANELY GOOD both the characters are so my type??!!!! beautiful feminine twink uke and hot muscular huge top oh my god yes please 160225 (2 s) MAMMA FUCKING MIA THAT WAS SO GODDAMN HOT HOLY AND THEY HAVENT EVEN HAD SEX YET AHH I NEED MOREEEE SHIRO IS SOOOO MY TYPE HOLY SHIT HES SO PRETTY. i love this it's like it was tailor made to my tastes frrr. the art is sooo scrumpdillydicious
Scary And Tough Otoguro, In Love?!