Mousou Telepathy
2.5 decently cute but fl kinda a pushover, read til 190 but i prolly wont read more
From Today On, I’m a Boy
ml already know fl is a girl, no gay panic ;/ dropped sorry
The Archmage's Daughter
dropped at ch17 bc she doesnt seem to be getting badass
At the End of the Road
Legend of the Tyrant Empress
read til 45, kinda weird but not bad and the fl is naive but badass but liek she lowkey rapes the ml ???? like i dont think she got consent wtf
Daites Ryou Koubouki
the ml and his knight are lovers so bl there ml kind r*pes fl but its treated as a joke (i.e. she doesnt really wanna but it just happens) fl writes bl stories the fl does most of the work and the ml seems to just take credit for it very wordy overall not sure how i feel abt this but i prolly wont continue reading it, prolly wouldve liked it more if the fl wasnt into the ml at all, it was just a contractual type thing, maybe she found herself a lover too idk rather than the vague poly situation
Tall Girls Can Fall In Love Too