Lover Boy
This is a great manhwa even though the older MC pisses me off for 98% of the story.
Hogu Hagyeongsu
This is a REALLY tough manhwa to read. The beginning starts fluffy, with Kyungsoo finding a guy he likes named Dong-Hyuk. His terrible nightmares from a previous relationship stop when he’s around DH. Then his ex Choi Yule comes back, and things turn from happy to awful in the blink of an eye. *Warning!* LOTS of rape in this manhwa. I mean, almost every chapter. It’s bad!!
An Innocent Sin
It's basically porn with a subplot of a super chabol villain that's in love with her brother. Ick factor is very high.
A Paramour
Here U Are
I love the main character’s confidence in his sexuality. That doesn’t happen often in manga or manhwa! The artwork is also amazing! It has a Disney-esqe quality to it!
Dark Heaven