☆Healthy~Addictions☆'s manga / #Strange(1)

The Rib of Adam (Jinmi)

Complete | jinmi | 2019 released

HAHAHAHAH I READ THE COMMENTS AND IT SOUNDS FUCKING WEIRD BUT I’LL READ IT. EDIT: This was so fucking weird, like it had some weird delusional message behind him getting the vagina on his ribcage. Plus it was full of rape it was horrible and his ex was crazy maybe beyond it like she needs some help wtf. Near the end I just skimmed through it but the whole thing was people raping him and being like “yOu NeEd To UnDeRsTaNd HoW tO lOvE wOmEn!!!” I feel bad for the guy, I don’t know how he really treated the women he was with but that last one was strange she was obsessive and I don’t blame him for leaving her. Also the rape part is part of this author’s title, seriously, Screengrab was full of rape and this one was too. I hate how they told him he liked it and tried to make him think it was okay when it really wasn’t. At the end of the day it was still rape and they all need to go to a mental hospital like all of the characters are fucked up in the head. If I were to rate this, it would be 0 stars for many reasons and the themes it portrayed.