My Girlfriend is a Real Man
Interesting read. Until they suddenly changed stories at chapter 39.
Wow, color me impress - - - One day, Kunisada Haruichi who is specializing in Japanese dance in his high school dance department, meets Yuri Arbatov, a famous and young ballet dancer who comes for a short-term study abroad. However when he gets a hold of Haruichi's weakness, Haruichi is force to crossdress on stage... - - - Originally, I was just planning on reading something about crossdressing, like a short 6 chapter or 1 volume manga, quick read. And this isn't at all long, but the story reeled me in quite a bit. One problem. I keep mistaking the mc with his sister, so it caused me like 2 confusions as I was reading. Not a big problem, I'm just a bit blind lmfao. Other than that, the art is simple and beautiful, you don't have to strain yourself to look at a panel for too long, or those full 4 panels(idfk what they're called) aren't difficult to understand what's happening, it's like breathing cold fresh air after being stuck in a stuffy room or when you need to wake yourself up so you go outside. Something like that, not like it's a bad thing, I love action and shounens so alot of 4 panels happen to be like that somewhat, and the text can get a bit small for me to even possibly read sometimes without zooming in. It's just a nice touch to see something opposite. Also bl undertone, its visible, but yet it's also not. Don't know how to explain, I'm bad at it. Anyway, that's all for my little yap sesh. (Also don't mind the ballet tag not having a 2nd "l". I can't make my own tag since I use a phone to read. Oh, and also blackmail. There's no blackmail tag..T_T
AKB49 - Renai Kinshi Jourei
Guy becoming an idol to support his crush. He lowkey good. - - - This series is about a guy called Urakawa Minoru crossdressing as a girl to participate in a female idol group audition (akb48). The main objective is to help the girl he likes, Yoshinaga Hiroko, pass the audition. Yoshinaga Hiroko's dream is to become like her favorite idol who is in the akb48 group. This audition happens to be her final try, so Minoru crossdresses as Minori and took part in the audition to make sure she realizes her dream. Hiroko got qualified eventually, however, the shocking news was Minoru was qualified as well. Thus, the road to becoming a female idol begins... - - - Og twink type shi. I respect this man's amount of commitment though. Damn, clap it up for Urakawa Minoru. Or actually, urakawa minori. I wish I could emphasize the I. Very original.
An Open Secret