Mayoke no Darling
Omg so cute! So fluffy and the uke is adorable. The relationship they build is just <( ̄︶ ̄) immaculate!!
Kocchi Muite, Ai
I cannot express in the mere tongues of internet lingo how much I LOVE this story!!!!! (honestly the second story with the Fem top was solid as well. Very sexy and unproblematic) IT- I- NDHDKSKDEVKFKF IT'S TOO GOOD. Lé ouched tbh, but worth it. So many mixed emotions. I hate the best friend up until the end when he apologized and supported Suzuhara and Nishino's relationship <3 We all stan Rika — an absolute Queen wwww The tension, the facial expressions, the emotion, UGH I love this one. Definitely in my top 20 and I've read A LOT of manga. Very satisfying sex scenes, and the relationships both ended well for each story. The art is phenomenal; sensei doesn't disappoint ~
Kimi no Shiranai XX
Rape to start off a relationship is a big no no irl so it always makes me feel icky to read one... But idk at least they have mutual feelings, but like..... Yikes buddy.. YIIIIKES... But the porn is too good for me to give it a 3 star
Kimi to Oishii ai no Kotoba
Ai ni Naburareru