Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?
This is surprisingly exceptional. Although it has a typical plot of a Korean who ended up being a victim to Truck-kun, the main character still manages to serve her purpose as a villainess. In MC’s previous life, she was quite gullible and frankly.. an NPC, so I’m quite glad that she has isekai’d into her new villainess life, as Lady Deborah. The story is already predictable from the get-go: MC will get revenge on her enemies, start new businesses ideas that she stole from the novel, and then fall in love with one of the male leads. But, there are only 20 chapters, I look forward to what the author has in store. I was a bit surprised at the world-building system as there is magic-use among characters (Wizards, mages). It’s rather rudimentary. Like, you can turn energy into a sphere by measuring the circumference of a circle.. So in other words, the use of magic is built around Math. And Deborah happens to excel at Math, because she was an engineering major in her past life. You know, I applaud there being any world-building system at all, even if it’s a lazy one that the author created in two seconds. It’s annoying seeing everything turn up in Deborah’s favor. She IS a bitter villainess with many enemies yet somehow she is able to get everything she wants? It would’ve turned out more interesting if the heroine, Mia Binoche, got the pink diamond instead. I want to SEE Deborah struggling to stay alive and fighting for herself. “The Evil Villainess” is a very diluted term in the Shoujo community. The only one I consider an “Evil Villainess” is Medea from Your Throne. Cunning, powerful, and unmoving. Deborah certainly isn’t that. Whenever Deborah is meeting someone who is defying her, I want them to be scared for their life. Like truly afraid. It’s not enough for her to put up this cold and rude personality. Sometimes I hate isekai because of that, because you can’t make a strong villainess as they’ll just use their knowledge from the novel. It ends up being cliche and results in some dumb romance trope. I’m quite interested in Mia Binoche, the supposed reincarnation of a Saintess, but there seems to be more to her. I think Mia is going to become a problem for Deborah. You know, cause Heroine and Villainess don’t go well together. I tagged this as drama, so I hope the drama won’t disappoint. Lastly, I want to praise the art. It’s important to make intricate and individualistic characters. Deborah’s design is truly beautiful. Red eyes and lavender hair. Hopefully, the translations keep up with the consistency.
Absurd Theory
Well. That was weird. It feels like the author purposely wrote a story that ended up going nowhere. Although I suppose dreams end that way, with no explanation or closure. I liked the initial idea of relationship between a guy who dreamt intensely and a girl who could not. But it seems like the guy wanted someone who could not dream at all, and he was displeased when the girl was finally able to dream. I think the guy wanted her to completely rely on him, perhaps he wanted her to be jealous of his ability to dream. I don’t know, it didn’t make any sense. I don’t really care for the second story. It could’ve been a collection of stories, with each story being related to dreams. How disappointing. The art was very nice. I admired the light tones and streaky texture. The coloring has a lot of negative space, but it preserved the integrity of the colors. Such a unique artstyle, it’s nice to see every once in a while.
I Will Change The Genre
I've wasted my time reading 66 chapters.. for nothing. This story is just a mess. I heard that in the novel, the narrative is told from Luca's perspective, yet all I hear is Judith speaking. The characters are insubstantial, Ruediger and Judith’s relationship doesn't have any chemistry. In the novel, Luca is supposed to be the MC, so why is 90% of the story about the distasteful romance between the two main leads? Let me demonstrate a conversation that Judith and Rudiger would have. "Are.. YOU SAYING.. THAT.. you LIKE me?" - Judith "Yes. I respect you, woman. Tell me the type of ideal man you want, I shall transform into him." - Ruediger, Chapter 51 ..This is how they talk, I'm serious. All I see is this back and forth romance sprinkled with many misunderstandings, that ends up going nowhere! Both of their personalities are horrible. Judith is selectively oblivious, whilst Ruediger.. is just oblivious. The author clearly didn't think this through as, politically, Judith would be considered Ruediger's sister-in-law. How ridiculous, the author probably came across this plot-hole and decided to patch it up with Ruediger's ignorance. He said "Would that be a problem?" Yes, you fucking moron, she's your sister and you like her romantically. I seriously spent 3-4 chapters alone reading about Judith and Ruediger's conversation talking about their stupid ass feelings, that ended up not even being resolved. There is an excessive amount of politics that I didn't care for aswell. Story telling: Horrible. Since Judith was a victim of Truck-Kun in her past life, she has all of the knowledge from the novel she isekai'd to (all of what is going to happen to Luca.) So essentially, every event that is going to happen to Luca is foretold by Judith. So when that assassin came out of nowhere and tried to attack them; was I surprised? No! When Isabella tried to frame Luca, when Franz was scheming behind Royton. Was I surprised? No, I was bored. Simply because Judith told us all about it before it even happened. I like a touch of spontaneity in a story. Like plot twists, betrayals, or a shocking turn of events. All I did was yawn and scroll, and probably both during the romance parts. Adding to that, the story itself isn't even interesting! I have a theory that Luca might also be a regressor (I haven't read spoilers). Hence why he is so knowledgeable compared to the original novel where he made many mistakes. And that would be the ONLY reason why I would forgive the author for making a fucking 10 year old a child Albert Einstein. No child is mature enough at that age, he's reading thick chapter books and playing poker! If my theory isn't correct then this story is just poorly-written. Was he really the MC in the novel? At this point, his character only serves to be a third-wheel in Judith and Ruediger's relationship. I might wait for the story to be complete, but so far, I'm not impressed.
You Haven't Changed
I hate the composition. The panels are squeezed together and it feels messy and even makes it a little difficult to read the text. I guess the short chapters help a little bit with that issue. Yet that is also a problem. I get frustrated because it takes forever to update and once it does update, the chapter is like 10 panels. I like the dynamic that the female lead & male lead has. Yamane is kind of a pushover but she isn’t overbearing and I enjoy seeing her being flustered. Taguchi is very handsome.. with piercings. Black haired male leads have no substance, but with piercings.. he’s my type. I’d only recommend reading once it’s been completed.
Studio Cabana
You know, I gave this manga a chance because the concept of people connecting through music is very precious to me. But this misses the mark by miles. First of all, did you think the readers would ignore the pedophilia? Yuusuke is only in high school while Haruki is an adult and yet they’re spending nights together. Fucking disgusting. I’m not blaming Yuusuke because he’s only a minor, and he’s being taken advantage of by Haruki who is CLEARLY using him for his body. I really hate types of characters like Haruki. Just die. But I’m not defending Yuusuke 100%. He fucking KNOWS that he’s not a serious partner to Haruki and yet he still clings to her. Why? Are you stupid, Yuusuke? Get used to being love bombed. On top of that, none of the main characters are likable. Out of everyone, I only like Erina and Dai-san. Maki is a fucking pushover and I cringe so hard whenever she blushes over Yuusuke. Oh don’t even get me started on Yuusuke with his tsundere act or something. I get he has some trauma from a girl dumping him but his backstory his dumb in retrospect. Oh I have defend Maki somewhat because when Haruki said “Are you one of Yuusuke’s fangirls? You like him, don’t you? You’re just chasing after a facade after seeing his handsome face.” Something like that. Are you.. deaf? Maki LITERALLY said that she was Yuusuke’s classmate that was supporting his band. You’re the one chasing after a facade. Oh, it’s already so predictable, Haruki-san. Yuusuke will leave you for Maki, and all of a sudden you’re desperate for Yuusuke’s attention even though you rejected him so many times. Ugh, I hope your music career perishes, Haruki.
Card Captor Sakura