90 80, Shin leaves for his apartment. We find out he was there when the older sibling died. 77 season 2 end. Shin kinda finds out Jake is not just a merciful gang person. 69, the most domestic chapter we've gotten. Literally just them going to the grocery store, Jake and his inside joke, the fluff, Jake getting jealous of cars. Amazing 61, he lets go of gren. Takes him to the outskirts of the city, realized he couldn't help him when he is also taking drugs. 60 it is confirmed. CIA. 57, did they just comfirm some feelings, at least they established that it's a special relationaship 52, omg is he with the DEA or somthings 35, hold up did he say there was one who ran away before them? it was a throw away line, but still....
Boku no Gemini
It was the other twin that died, but he wants to carry him on with him.
The Broken Ring : This Marriage Will Fail Anyway
55 54 she remembers a conversation they had in the past. 47 she does have a plan. ch 46, end of season 1. ch 36 ahhhh the ML has tears running down his face, and he's always been in love with her. Denied it for years because of percieved rejection while she was sick. This is just so good. The art is so fiiinnnee. spoilers.
I Went on Strike Because My Time Was Limited
31 So shes got a month to live so she is doing what she wants now. Cutting ties with family, confessing her love for the crown prince even though that means giving up. Getting friends.
I Will Fall With The Emperor
57 ch 50, she basically said die for me. lmao. or well die for your brother. 44, is the ML catching feelings?
Second Life of a Trash Princess
Baraou No Souretsu
ch12met buckingham ch 26 suicide attept ch 39 His one tear for his brother, beautiful ch 43 buckingham sees richard
Suddenly Became a Princess One Day