Tensei Seijo, Maou Aku ni Nomi Hatsujou su ~ Kouryaku Taishou ni wa Zettai ni Tokimeke nai Isekai de
This is just so good???
Super cute???? This is a rare treasure. I loved everyone. That was great!
Bachelor Father
fuck you! Don’t give me heart attack like that! Holy crap. Ahh I love this story but the way my stomach DROPPED! Don’t play with my feelings!
A Tycoon to Be Reckoned with
She is great
Fake Wife
It’s actually awful but it’s so entertaining by chapter 34 we actually get CONSENSUAL SEX, sigh. They are so sweet now but holy shit he was an epic asshat. She is sweet but so would have RUN. He is still stalking her without her knowledge T-T
My Beloved Oppressor
Genuinely hope she dies to get some peace and he suffers forever. Fuck everyone that wants her dead for her ancestor’s crimes
Strange way of love
THERE IS SO MUCH ART Omg! I want more story but the imagination for these two characters is amazing!! I love how much the artist/s loved their creation! I LOVE THE CREATIVITY ️
The Yandere Magician Can Only Love The Statue Maiden
My heart hurts. These poor damn kids
Rebel's Bargain
Well I like that she wasn’t kidnapped or verbally abused so I’m ok. Another big misunderstanding but with a twist, spoilers but she actually did almost cheat
To My Husband’s Mistress