I Don't Remember That
oh my fuckin god, take is getting what he deserves! but ghalllly, this threw me for a loop bcs i didn't know who to trust
Cheese In The Trap Manhwa
HOLY SHIT- THIS WAS BEYOND MY IMAGINATION 12/10... i'm literally speechless
Unscented Trajectory
the amount of times i cried. this was tough to read, but honestly the seme will spend the rest of his life regretting what he did regardless if they move on together and love each other again. like when that man found out the truth his lover was in front of him this whole time??? that fella was a mess, and a mess is an understatement. and also the art changed, thank GOD.
Merry Psycho
this is some good shit! i love how she's completely different but it's sad to know the reason behind it.
I Found Somebody to Love
this brought tears to my eyes! just seeing them loving each other despite the circumstances they had to face due to titles and family issues. they really stayed strong and persisted until the end, godddd i feel myself tearing up again
this is actually really interesting. (yapping ahead.) at first, it was difficult to differentiate who the hell was who, but i got the hang of it. so, the prosecutor has a thing for pretty faces and soft skin. from the flashback, we saw the scene when he was with his classmate and he said that then, but also when he and the priest were in the bathroom. additionally, i guess the mother took things out on his twin brother (mushik?) when he (the prosecutor) was in the wrong, but he just accepted it as it - i'm not really sure why. and i guess the brother had suicidal tendencies and lashed out because of how he was treated. now the father, i forgot his name, inhui i think??, seems innocent but we all know the man isn't. i just don't know what his motives are for strangling these men to death. probably due to some trauma? or seeing something like that in his childhood? but i actually do like this despite the character's similar appearance. you'll just have to really read to distinguish them though.
An Insincere Idol’s Blank Slate
i need an eden in my life, preferably him, but if you look like him, hml
Precious Thing
damn... that's all i can say
The First Commandment