The Lord’s Coins Aren’t Decreasing?!
i honestly didn't expect for this story to turn out like this but ghaddayum it went really beyond my expectations
Nano Machine
HOLY SHIT, OKAY OKAY OKAY OMG. he is getting revenge, kicking ass, gathering loyal people, and getting stronger day by day! butttt ig it has some romance with the mc, it's bearable. NEOWWW here's what im wondering ... will his descendant make another comeback?? will he meet the hot dude again or as it said the "unknown" fella bcs lemme tell you, IM ON MY KNEES but like even some of the elders look hot?? looking at the left guard BUT I WANNA SEE THE EMPEROR'S RIGHT HAND MANS FACE... i just know he's gonna be hot, I FEEL IT
The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life
he is so driven and focused on being on the top and having the most power and lets nothing interfere with that! he deserves all the accomplishments, both of them do, the og roman and the current roman. i like that kind of mc. he's empowering his people and setting an example of what he expects in place. he's literally setting a name for himself!!! the "moron" is no more. i'm glad the art changed too lmao. and there's no romance so far, thank GOD
The Second Coming of Gluttony
to be honest, in the beginning i was like ??? and almost dropped it bcs i was getting bored BUT BUT, it got hella interesting as soon as the drama, action, and even tears came flooding in
Sleeping Ranker
damn damn damn. this was a good change to see in plots- a ranker who gets more powerful as he sleeps and goes into autopilot when he does. I WISH I COULD DO THAT, but he's super strong and just wants to support himself and his sister which is sweet. however, i hope there's no romance but i think there might be between him and the lady with the black hair, all you see is blushing cheeks LMAO
bruh fuck his family! and i'm happy that he's learning to not let this people step all over him. now with the duke, he's very persistent so it's coming my off rude imo, but i hope that they can work together
Youngest Scion of the Mages
okayyy so far it's really good!! still hoping for no romance though lmao, I JUST WANNA SEE SOME ASS GETTING KICKED AND BITCHES GETTING PUT IN THEIR PLACE
Standard of Reincarnation
what a powerful fella. he's kicking ass and finding out the truth behind both his past and present self. but i'm so glad the art changed LMAO
Return of the Broken Constellation