Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
otaku girl loses weight and becomes thin and pretty and a group of guys fall in love with her
Following Namsoo To The Bathhouse
a guy meets another guy on the train and he ends up meeting him at the bathhouse where he works and they go out
Tsuzuki wa Asa Made
Two dorm captains are considered as a married couple but both actually somewhat secretly like one another. A third guy part of the food committee likes the U
Here U Are
A popular upperclassman takes care of underclassman, one of which a tall quiet guy who seems mean but turns out to be nice. They start hanging out and becoming close and S ends up falling for U while U had a misunderstanding that S was pranking him into falling in love to dump him.
Two guys are going out, one is really shy and doesn't know when others like him and the other is overly protective and doesn't like him texting other people
Kiss Mo Dekinakatta
After being rejected by his crush (from the prequel manga) U offers to be a replacement of S's crush as he has loved him secretly for years. S falls for U but U is insecure about S feelings even though he really likes him back.
Kyuuso Ha Cheese no Yume Omiru
A business worker meets up a detective who has proof of him cheating on his wife and they used to go to college together. They get together as blackmail for not exposing him as a cheater. He gets stuck in a love triangle with another woman and the detective and can't choose. Detective disappears and they see each other years later when he sees him smoking and gets in the same cab to confront him.
Sojou No Koi Wa Nido Haneru
kyuuso wa cheese sequel