Majutsushi-tachi no Yasoukyoku
Omae ga Baka o Iidasu Hi ni wa
sempai liked kouhai and kouhai realizes hes gay and asks sempai to find him a lover. He confesses and they end up together. Kouahai is jealous about sempai being a slut before and drinking with his friends at the bar. -A guy works at a bar and a customer who's been divorced twice comes often and they end up drunk at the bar and he finds out U is gay so S follows him to the gay bar and the end up doing it. S waits at a gay bar for him then he shows up and they leave and end up together.
Ameiro Paradox
Two journalists who don't get along are paired together. They are constantly fighting but quickly end up together. S gets jealous of U and his childhood friend who owns a bar. U gets embarrassed easily.
Here U Are
A popular upperclassman takes care of underclassman, one of which a tall quiet guy who seems mean but turns out to be nice. They start hanging out and becoming close and S ends up falling for U while U had a misunderstanding that S was pranking him into falling in love to dump him.
Ore no Kirai na Senpai
A guy works hard to be popular but is overshadowed by his senpai, the girl he likes confessed to him so he confront him and they end up doing stuff together
Between the Sheets (HASHIMOTO Aoi)
A hotel owner keeps asking out a bartender who finally accepts in order to eat expensive food. They become sex friends but the hotel owner is set on becoming lovers
Porno of Yankees
two delinquent leaders hate each other but bond after a school festival and end up together even though they still talk like they hate each other and the followers don't like him.
Sabaku No Harem
former salve to a king becomes concubine for another prince
Tight Rope