Daites Ryou Koubouki
Read this!!!! It's so fun and funny!!! I laugh badly when the heroine was so embarrassed when the hero read her own created bl!!! ^0^ (the heroine is a fujoshi)
Konna Nichijou
Ao and Dai are sooooo~~~~~ cuuutteeeee!!!! > ∆ <
Kanzen Kaihi Healer no Kiseki
The beginning are just the same, the boy was suddenly summoned to the other world, the hero need to kill the demon lord, the king's kingdom are so frigging disgusting just like the other in palace, BUT...... the character are different! The other heroes, are so brilliant just like the mc, and quick to do what is the right thing even when the situations are bad. So if you like the story with the so call same plot, I suggest you read this one. It will be really refreshing!!!! ;)
The Same Time as Always, The Same Place as Always
This one are so....... Umph! I can't put it into words! xD
Hisohiso - Silent Voice