Beast of Blood
Last read v2 ch 13. Human guy becomes step brothers with a buncha non humans (who still look human anyway). Theres a bunch of other couples and everything feels so... sparkly. Also I had a real hard time telling people apart. Theres some drama about couple A (vamp x human) and the nature of vampires or something but its generally very... weightless? I dont think there was enough time toilet everything hit. Supposedly there's a volume 3 but I dont care to continue so 5/10
I Swear I'm Not a Scammer!
Dropped at ch 16. Seme is seriously nothing but red flags and this story is full of annoying contrivances. Feels like the author had a smutty premise in mind but no idea how to make it happen and just cobbled together things they've seen in other manhwa. 3/10
Red Hood