The Sound of Your Voice
not my jam. trauma plot felt forced. stopped reading at like 5 chapters so i can't really rate it.
On Doorstep
Pickpocket (seme) gets caught by a no nonsense retired cop (uke) and is forced to do some manual labor. To retaliate, he breaks into the uke's house but pa icks and leaves when he finds out the man's a retired cop. Then he finds out the uke's got PTSD after finding his partner dead in his house and that's why he quit. The distressed expressions in this are so good; I know that's a weird thing to say, but they do angst so well in this. There's genuine character development for both characters despite this being so short. The drama of the reveal is 10/10 angst without been dark or twisted or depressing. I just wish there was more to explore the semes relationship with his friends and rhe ukes relationship with HIS friends and his trauma. As a minor note, the seme's hair is on point Story wise, I'd give this a 7 but the art is so frickin clean and fluid it gets bumped up to an 8 so 8/10
Blue Sky Wars
Uke is a teacher in training even tho he doesn't like kids. For some reason he gets forced to move in with this other teacher guy and starts to fall for him. There's a bit of drama about the seme's past and then they kiss and confess. Uh. So like they really just glossed over that bombshell traumatic past... like they really pulled a "hey thanks for telling me about your traumatic past where you got assaulted by your teacher and then your friend went psycho and stabbed him and for some reason you had to take the fall for all of that. By the way I love you and your trauma is now irrelevant" Also the kids were like 99% irrelevant Uh. 6/10? name on MAL is Aozora Wars
Renai-rubi no Tadashii Furikata
Ch 1-3: seme's childhood bully shows up at his workplace, doesn't recognize him, and declares love at first sight. Seme takes this as an opportunity for revenge only to both of them in the end but it's okay they have a happy ending. Didnt care much for these two ngl. Uke was kinda annoying to me I am so sorry Ch 4-6: unapproachable uke x flashy outgoing seme start as fwb. Uke is traumatized from his last relationship because he got abusive with his lover and doesnt wanna be that person again. It's very off and on, very smutty and emotional. Overall 7/10 name on MAL is Renai Ruby no Tadashii Furikata
Angel Buddy
Uhh read this a long time ago and don't remember much cuz a lot happened. the ending was a lot, there may or may not have been a suicide and some kinda god thing. Uh I didn't like it all that much so 6/10 good just not jam
Burlesque Night
Seme gets roped into being a bodyguard for a strip club and immediately falls for the lead dancer. There's some back and forth drama where the bar gets attacked, angst, seme takes over bar, bar gets attacked angst. Also the uke's been raped in the past (not shown) but still has to perform strip shows. Idk. This one felt random like the author was just throwing bad things into the plot just cuz. Kinda. Idk. I just reread it and didnt care much though I remember liking it once upon a time 5/10
Life Is Only Two Days Long
Multiple stories. Dropped at ch 2. Lotta trigger warnings needed with these. Ch 1: Abortion trauma Ch 2: suicidal ideas (didnt finish so I dont know if it depicted any) -/10
Dominate Me With Your Power -Dom/Sub-verse -
Dropped at ch 12 .... you can just command people to die in this world???? Update ch 4. Surprise! This uke kinda sucks imo. Also am I just crazy or did the first chapter get split into three shorter ones? Update ch 7. I don't. I dont like it Update ch 11. Okay so it got a bit better. They're cute despite... how it started anf now there's more drama and the abusive ex is back Update ch 12. Just as I was ready to like this story, they hit me with this bullshit huh? Do I hate this enough to give it a 1/10.... 2/10?
Chou to Hana no Kankeisei
Mm. That left me with a pretty ill feeling. I want explain it well but the uke is constantly insecure about their relationship and it feels like the seme plays on that. He says he pampers him but it doesn't feel that way... Plus, the seme really doesn't want the uke to get to know him. He has a private life but they're dating?? He doesnt need to explain his trauma but at least talk about everyday stuff with him? Idk. Didn't really like the relationship that was built here. 3/10
Gozen 3-ji, Kimi wa Naku