Yareru Monnara Haramasete Miyagare - Yankee x Omegaverse
Yup that was pretty much the typical omegaverse trash! Several instances of attempted rape, omega suddenly flip flops love interests to the guy who locked him up. Seme plays hero and hey turns out hes rich too. Problems solved. 1/10 name on MAL is Yararumon nara Haramasete Miyagare: Yankee x Omegaverse
Naughty Baguette Bread
D....did he kill the ex??? Wtf was that whole scene?!?! The first half was cute since the guy just seemed so earnest and the girl, while a bit annoying, was spunky and likeable. And then turns out the guy stalked her?? And honestly it felt like he was trying to tie her down like pushing her into a marriage and being manipulative. That creeped me out. 3/10 for the disappointing stalker reveal
Kaseifu no Hodaka-san – Housekeeper HODAKA
the rest of this is on MRM. warning: the brothers fuck
Love Shuttle
got what i wanted out of it. think i stopped somewhere around ch 20? maybe even farther. was good. 7/10
Can't get Caught! XXX
Dropped at ch 14. The "my crush has a crush on me but I'm too dumb to notice" scenario was more interesting than the characters for me so once that was resolved I lost interest. 4/10
Over The Moon
Dropped at ch 30. Slow, kinda janky pacing. Not a lot happens and scenes felt repetitive to me. Host plot feels forced for the sake a drama, which there was plenty of with just the filming crew. Coulda done a lot with that without the weird rapey host plot idk. 2 or 3/10
One Step From The End
Dropped at ch 30. Wow this is all over the place. The pacing's a mess. The timeline is a mess. We keep going into flashbacks at seemingly random times. The seme turns out to be a possessive creep who's very blatantly manipulating and trying to isolate the uke. Like everyone knows thus butntheyre all going along with it? The only interesting bit about this was the mysterious book which kinda winds up being irrelevant by the end? This story was pretty inchohesive and a little incoherent at times. Also, minor nitpick but why tf did the names change from Korean to English names? That was confusing. Nah this sucked. 2/10
Dating Practice
This.... is so dumb. Everything is so contrived. The author's got their hand shoved up everybody's ass as is piloting them like a bunch of brain dead, horny muppets. The author reeeeally couldn't come up with ANY other scenario for fake dating? Every thing is just forced drama. These characters dont act like real people The red thread premise isnt even relevant for 90% of the story. It's just a way to make drama. Bruh =_= 2/10
Santa, Stay Still. Rudolph Will Take Care of It.