Kabukichou Bad Trip
uke gets trained to be a masochist for guy he likes. host x psychic model. was interesting. 7/10
Tabesugi Kinshi!
starts as very noncon and then uke gets into it. 5 or 6/10?
Diamond no Ace - Futsuu no Nichijou o Kimi to (Doujinshi)
Halloween engage - daiya no ace dj
Shiro to Tsubaki
art is kinda hard to read but story was cute. incubus x demon hunter. 5/10
Baby, Sugar, Succubus
Incubus (technically succubus) college student collapses in front of cafe owner guy with a big dick. Succubus boy is starving and sucks him off and then they go steady and fall in love. Okay just reread this and I think its fine? The relationship is cute. 70% of the story is just smut. I'm not big into the childlike innocence of the uke (character and design) but the story treats him respectfully and the seme takes things slow. Uh 6 or 7/10
I Wanna Feel You Inside -Seduced by a Sweet Devil
demon prince x tired but cute salaryan. was surprisingly cute. 8/10
Don't Pick Up the Soap