All Of You
Qi Shi has a scary face and scar that keeps him from getting jobs and making friends. Then he runs into an old classmate, Nan Jue, who offers to help Qi Shi fix his image. Nan Jue moves in and Qi Shi finally gets a job and starts getting along with his coworkers. It's pretty fluffy and cute. I liked watching Qi Shi gain confidence and make friends. They should've reported Nan Jue's abusive ex. I cant believe they just let hin go... :/ 6/10 name on MAL is Ke Zai Meiyan Jian
Wolf In The House
I was partway through the mafia guy's plot but idk where that is so I'm just leave it at that I'll put this on the catch up list cuz it was good I just lost my place and am too lazy to go find it
Comfort Rewinder
Yall I was bawling when they took the photos with Jisoo's dad and then again at the end. I love that this story wanted to tell you how important photos are without ever saying it out loud. I loved this one. Only two gripes honestly: 1) Jin Yi Kwon was very pushy about sex. Although they did say Jisoo liked it, it did start out feeling like he just couldn't say no. Still better than 80% of manhwa anyway. Shout out to consensual sex. 2) like 80% of the story, Jisoo and Kwon only interact with each other. I always wanna see more friendships so we know these two aren't reliant on just each other. But again this was better that 80% of manhwa on that front too. Super sweet albeit very painful. You know how it's going to end but that doesnt make it less painful. But I'm happy for them all. I bawled like a baby 7 or 8/10
Ten Count