Hot Closet
Ch 1: guy is in love with his hot boss at work, discovers said boss is a stripper and also very into him as well Ch 2: guy gets roped into being the fake lover for a rich dude, obviously they fall in love after fucking 5/10
My Darling is a Foreign Crybaby
Crybaby American comes to japan to find his childhood crush that hes absolutely sure isna pretty girl, but it's actually a scruffy guy who fucks for a living. There's so drama, angst, and a lot of crying. Also there's some WEIRD bits in here like when they show the seme jerking it at a questionably young age that I had to scroll past real quick because whyyyyyyyy?? Anyway 4/10
Eunsuk & Jung-gu
I'll be honest, this is not my kind of story. I like a slutty uke but he was so codependent and irritatingly useless to me. Also hated the rape by the gross old man. That's not saying this is a bad story. They actually called the rape what it is. Just cus the uke didnt say no because he couldnt, doesnt mean he said yes. That's rare in BL so I appreciate it. It's an 8 for the story but enjoyment wise 4/10. Mmmmm. Maybe I'll revisit this in a couple months and see how I feel. If I still think the story was an 8/10, I'll give it that. For now 4/10
Baby, Sugar, Succubus
Incubus (technically succubus) college student collapses in front of cafe owner guy with a big dick. Succubus boy is starving and sucks him off and then they go steady and fall in love. Okay just reread this and I think its fine? The relationship is cute. 70% of the story is just smut. I'm not big into the childlike innocence of the uke (character and design) but the story treats him respectfully and the seme takes things slow. Uh 6 or 7/10
Hoshigari Rui-kun no Kimochili Koto - Dekiai Host to Ama S Ecchi
Very cliche host seme x naive uke. Uke is looking for love and sex and spends all his broke college student money on the host. They fuck a bunch, fall in love, have minor drama, fuck again, the end 4/10
Dangerous Vices of a Gentleman Loan Shark
Pretty cute, the romance part kinda just happens bc they put leading man and leading man in the same room for multiple days, so I wasnt really feeling that part. But I like that the uke has a talent outside of being a rental boy cuz often BLs about sex workers who get out of sex work find themselves completely dependent on the rich seme, which makes me nervous. Uh 5/10?
Cum to My Birthday Party!
Another installment in the previously straight guy is now a cockslut and does dubious porn but def likes it so ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Junjou Bitch, Hatsukoi Kei