On or Off
got what i wanted out of it. stopped at season 1. really solid, might come back and finish 8/10
Lucky! Housekeeper
Last read ch 5. Horny college boy gets hired as a housekeeper by a kinda crazy rich dude and they fuck. Dont remember what I thought about so 5/10
Mr. 100% Perfect
i got what i wanted out of it. stopped at like.... 30??? maybe later? 6/10 for the character development
Over The Moon
Dropped at ch 30. Slow, kinda janky pacing. Not a lot happens and scenes felt repetitive to me. Host plot feels forced for the sake a drama, which there was plenty of with just the filming crew. Coulda done a lot with that without the weird rapey host plot idk. 2 or 3/10
Saiai no Otoko ni Juukou o
dropped at v3 ch 10. play actor really wants a role so he sleeps with a yakuza guy? wut. is that it? lmao the memes from the translator a spot on. wtf is this plot. dunno if there's anymore but ima just mark it as dropped. 3/10
Duke's Private Tutor
dropped at ch 10? another one where there's a kid but the kid literally is treated like an object.
It's Not Like That (Gangto)
Cute! It's a bit silly but the characters feel realistic and also the boss recognizes when hes screwed up! Drama usually gets resolved cuz hey talk to each other about their problems but there is the usual abundance of miscommunication. Also, the seme is very aggressive in bed and it's clear the uke cant take it more often then not. The seme DOES recognize this and he tries really hard to hold back, which was good. I think it was honestly a mistake for the uke to give him permission to go wild EVERY TIME. This poor guy's ass dude... 6 or 7/10. would be higher but i'm docking points cuz the story really doesn't want the uke to set boundaries for some reason even tho it's clear he needs to. name on MAL is Don't Get Me Wrong, Boss!
Dame na Yatsu Hodo Kawaii
....So it's a collection of one shots that are largely inconclusive and kinda unsatisfying or boring, imo. Ch 1: Guy gets saddled with a freeloader who legitimately cannot do anything. Guy had to pick up extra work to take care of them both which is mmmm Ch 2: Guy watches his two friends be in love, is reluctantly supportive (cus homophobia but kudos to him for grappling with it). Pretty okay. Not much you can do with one chapter. Ch 3: Rich guy gets bored waiting for the guy who stood up his sisters arranged marriage and runs away. Encounters another runaway who invites him to tag along and have fun. Turns out Runaway 2 is the guy who stood up his sister and now is announcing he likes our Runaway 1. We basically end there. Ch 4-5: Guy starts dating his senpai who secretly works at a crossdressing maid cafe. Things are going well until suddenly senpai breaks up with him over text and completely disappears only to return 3 years later with amnesia. Turns out senpai had a stalker who hit him not hard at all, giving him amnesia, and also that's why senpai broke up with our guy?? Didn't really explain much and I got kinda irritated cuz I personally hate ghosting. Overall verdict: 2 or 3/10 depending how annoyed this makes me if I think about it.
What's your name?
Too short to really say much about. Boy 1 stands in front of the school marking down which students have improper uniforms and this one guy has everything wrong and then they kiss everyday for a while and then it's over. 4/10 idk what to say
Fuyou Kareshi