Midnight Rain (CTK)
WARNING: mentions of suicide. Feels incomplete. I wanna know more about Mike's past, what he did for work, what he's gonna do now that he's quit that work. What about Ethan? Man's in a bad place even if he acts like everything's fine. This is such a small slice of their lives. I wanna see more (‡▼益▼) 8 ot 9/10
Prescription for a Lonely Boy Who Wants Love
Seme is a freeloader who leeches off all the women he dated. Then he met the uke, a plain but sexy doctor with an actual sex addiction. Seme is obsessed with the idea that the uke is in love with his friend but the uke refutes that over and over. Ngl, didn't feel a lot of love in this story for whatever reason and the seme annoyed me cuz he couldn't just accept the uke's word. Also there was a completely unnecessary rape scene. Idk. 4/10
Shitsuke ga Nattenai
They're a bit of a mess but a cute mess. It's a fluffy vampire x werewolf story. 5 or 6/10
Perfect Propose
Stressed out salaryman (uke) being overworked at a black company suddenly runs into a kid, now grown up, he knew back in middle school (seme). Seme asks to move in temporarily while his boss, who he lives with, is in the hospital. Watching Hiro be stressed and worn down mentally by that job was starting to stress ME out (⋟﹏⋞). Shotout to Kaneko, his team lead or smth, for encouraging him to quit and pointing out just how badly the chief has twisted his image of himself. Kai's life was also sad af, just neglect after neglect, and it shows so clearly through his mindset. I really liked the old guy who took him. Also props to the son for recognizing what a shitty thing he did and genuinely apologizing for it. I liked a lot about this story, but the ending was just unsatisfying. It feels abrupt and like it didn't solve the underlying issues. Hiro quits his jobs, which I was rooting for. But Kai just abandons the old man who's cared for him for the past 5 or 6 years. There's nothing wrong with Kai moving on, I just wanted some scene with the old guy where he talks about it, so we can resolve that plot thread. idk. This was almost a 9; the ending brought it down to a 7; Kaneko, the old man, and the son brought it back up to an 8/10
Umi de Hirotta Kimi ni Sasagu
Yknow. I'll never understand these "I love you, goodbye" ghosting plots... Writer picks up a naked guy of the beach who claims to have amnesia. But does he really? And who is this mysterious kid? *Dun dun dun* 5/10 i guess
All Of You
Qi Shi has a scary face and scar that keeps him from getting jobs and making friends. Then he runs into an old classmate, Nan Jue, who offers to help Qi Shi fix his image. Nan Jue moves in and Qi Shi finally gets a job and starts getting along with his coworkers. It's pretty fluffy and cute. I liked watching Qi Shi gain confidence and make friends. They should've reported Nan Jue's abusive ex. I cant believe they just let hin go... :/ 6/10 name on MAL is Ke Zai Meiyan Jian
Saiaku no Jinsei
Starts with a short story about a guy with a neck fetish. That was fine. Main story is very cute. Smart guy with no aspirations meets a delinquent no one believes has a future in high school. Things happen and they get separated but smart guy spends his next years hoping to run into the delinquent and help him out. The relationship is a bit unbalanced cuz the smart guy is so perfect at everything and delinquent has to rely on him for everything, but I'll still give it a 7/10
Itadakimasu, Gochisou-sama
Landlord guy takes in a younger college kid who immediately takes a shine to him (and his cooking) and confesses. Landlord guy has some hang ups about an ex and initially rejects him, but he's persistent and they wind up together in the end .Kinda skimmed this one despite my best efforts to actually read it. Dunno, just didn't grip me at all. Maybe I'm just not into puppy semes ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 5/10
Suzutsuki Neko wa Nyao to Naku?
Very cute domestic fluff, not a whole lot happens tbh, but that's not a bad thing. We dont get too deep into either character's personality and theres very little if any drama. 4 or 5/10. Felt like a lit of fluff with not much substance for me. Wasnt in the mood for this kinda story so maybe being a bit harsher than usual
Suteneko Sagashimasu.