The Emperor's Erection Project
Darn. Promised a masochist ML but only really delivered for a few chapters. The plot wasnt interesting enough for me and the characters' traumas were never given sufficient weight 3/10
Old Friends
The abortion comment is kinda clumsily inserted into their conflict. What is it referring to??? Did Takase's MOM get an abortion after sleeping around? Did TAKASE herself get an abortion after sleeping around? Why did Kana bring up abortion specifically and not careless pregnancies, which I think would've been more of a natural escalation? There just wasn't enough foreshadowing for "abortion" to be the major conflict. Idk. Was pretty good, just very short and trying to tackle multiple issues at the same time. 5/10
Crazy People
The premise is interesting, two couples loosely entwined by their respective threads of fate, plus a mysterious fortune teller doing her own loosely connected thing. I just think it needed more time to really execute what it was going for 7/10?
A Most Consummate Night