The Promiscuous Relationship of the President and Vice President
Princess Bibliophile
Emperor to Issho
Listen the penguin shows up in this girls fridge and everyone just rolls with it and I think that's beautiful 8/10
Tou Tiao Dou Shi Ta Manhua
Dropped at 161.5. Idk if there's more but, I'm good here. I had a whole rant about this but mangago glitched and deleted it. So I'll summarize I guess. This get close to being good but it's too all over the place for me and I really don't like most of the characters. 4/10. idk.
Tomo-chan wa Onnanoko!
Happy to see tomo-chan getting new love thanks to the anime
Tamen De Gushi
last read ch 225. probs not gonna continue this, but i don't wanna mark it as dropped so... limbo it is THEY DIDN'T COMPLETE THE PLOT ABOUT SUN JING NOT SHOWING UP AFTER THE BDAY PARTY??? and what was that whole thing about Qi Fang and that other girl??? Welp. Looks like this is dead (thank you homophobic Chinese government. Frick. I was really enjoying it name on MAL is SQ: Begin W Your Name!
Otokomae! Beads Club