Strap-on Girl and Bitch Boy
Naughty Baguette Bread
D....did he kill the ex??? Wtf was that whole scene?!?! The first half was cute since the guy just seemed so earnest and the girl, while a bit annoying, was spunky and likeable. And then turns out the guy stalked her?? And honestly it felt like he was trying to tie her down like pushing her into a marriage and being manipulative. That creeped me out. 3/10 for the disappointing stalker reveal
My New Boss Is Goofy
Wednesday's Wondrous Lunch
Last read ch 1. I love this art and the bright and cheery atmosphere. Looks like it's got some sci-fi like elements to it? Taking a portal to hawaii to eat some fancy pancakes is a whole mood name on MAL Suiyoubi no Trip Lunch
That was surprisingly cute O_O Follows the stories of all the siblings in this chaotic family of four girls and one guy. Their situations are all unique (and smutty) and it's kinda a fun ride. Also appreciate that time passes in this story 6 or 7/10
Last Order wa Ojou-san de Dekiai Jouren Kyaku ni Kyuuai saretemasu
dropped at ch 4. hot guy but i'm always irritated by submissive, naïve girls plus the age gap really makes it feel like the guy is taking advantage of her. -_- idk. she's sheltered and it's rubbing me the wrong way. not my preference. 6/10
My Childhood Friend Can't Be This Big!
Dropped at ch 10 or smth. This is dumb. The girl is dumb af who tf tells a rando unlike where they live AND that they live alone??? You block those creeps ASAP. Also the dirty talk was kinda cringe. No thanks 4/10
Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?
Dropped at ch 25. Another generic villainess isekai. I'm really not into these. The characters at least feel like they have... something of a personality but they still feel pretty flat. 4/10. I was bored for half of it but I did laugh at least once
Mr. Villain's Day Off