The Secret You Kept From Me
That was not what I was expecting. That kinda... hit me harder than I expected?? Aikawa was really, truly keeping himself safe by having these silly, spontaneous phone calls with a friend he's known since elementary school. The chase sequence was a LITTLE goofy compared to the tone set, but it still made my stomach drop. Aikawa lived a hell of a life This was good. 7/10
Old Friends
The abortion comment is kinda clumsily inserted into their conflict. What is it referring to??? Did Takase's MOM get an abortion after sleeping around? Did TAKASE herself get an abortion after sleeping around? Why did Kana bring up abortion specifically and not careless pregnancies, which I think would've been more of a natural escalation? There just wasn't enough foreshadowing for "abortion" to be the major conflict. Idk. Was pretty good, just very short and trying to tackle multiple issues at the same time. 5/10
Marriage as Friends
Two women who have comfortably lived with each other since college start feeling the social pressure to get married or otherwise be in a romantic relationship. They try it with each other and they try it with the men they've been dating, but in the end they're most comfortable being friends. I really like that conclusion. There's more than one type of family, and I'm happy to see that represented here. 8/10, I am biased but I think this was good
Sono otaku, moto koroshi-ya.