Honto ni Homo na no?
That was better than I thought. I'm a sucker for angst so this was great. Had some slow burn vibes despite being 3 chapters. I like casual skinship friendships so this was also up my alley. 7/10
Chika-chan to!
Dropped at ch 6. Man they spent so much time going back and forth and back and forth I really wanted to smack them. The relationship between all of them is something you dont often see although it definitely seems like Nao and Ryo used the threesome to get Chika involved. Idk, this was pretty dramatic and a lil frustrating personally 5/10. Just not the story for me.
Koi suru Bicchi no Toro Ana Jijou
last read ch 17 it's been 9 chapters. how many times are shitty exes from the past gonna rape the uke =_= update ch 15. more contrived drama =_= name on MAL is Koisuru Bitch no Toroana Jijou
Ashita wa Ieru Kana
My feelings about this are very ???? Like it was good and cute but also somehow sad? And frustrating too ngl. Everyone is at a stalemate just waiting for everyone else to make a move? If it wasnt for that girl at the end, nothing would have happened between anyone. So like... 6 or 7/10 but like a weird 6 or 7/10
Yuki No Shita No Qualia
Really atmospheric and unique art but the botanist guy kinda.... sucked? Like Umi gets assaulted and mr botanist is like "that's what you get" like ??? It's literally not tho??? And this never comes up again. Botanist guy is just homophobic until hes not. Idk. I wanna say this feels grounded but that's not quite it. It feels floaty or like rather than being grounded on earth were being grounded to a cloud? 5 or 6/10. This wasnt it for me
This guy
Dropped at ch 4(?). This is a mess huh. Everyone is hooking up with everyone else and getting hurt Rooting for the childhood friends Edit: well I started reading this forever ago, ignored every update, and remember not liking it that much so ima just.... go -/10
Father Complex(Shu)