Knock on Wood
Started out good. Two friends accidentally get into BDSM cuz they were trying out a back scratcher. That was fun and I was hype for the rest, but then the rest was this constant off and on, never communicating and never working together to solve their issues, individual or otherwise. They just broke up whenever things got hard?? Plus, honestly I found them a little boring. I'll leave the timeline of my thoughts on this one. Update ch 22. god these guys are annoying. That includes the fucking hyun min guy who keeps messing with them. I get they're young and dont have anyone to advise them with this relationship but they're SO bad at communication that this conflict has dragged for what feels like half the manhwa by now. And this frickin 3rd party guy has zero respect for Jiho's boundaries, clearly, since he keeps doing whatever he wants. I usually forgive naive ukes for hanging out with sus people because they dont know, but Jiho should at this point know hanging with hyun min alone is a bad idea regardless of how eunchae feels about it. Hyun min just sucks. He has a point about their relationship being a mess and how eunchae needs to get it together most, but ARGH they all just irritate me Update ch 45.5. What , can these two just not handle being in a relationship? They broke up A THIRD time in the epilogue. Just TALK TO EACH OTHER. 3/10 but I almost wanna give it a 2 for how frustrating it was
Sadistic Madness
Don't like stalker plots. someone teach these kids to call the damn cops. Also was the uke seriously gonna rape his brother cuz the stalker was threatening them with a knife? 2/10
Last read ch 2. I guess this is continuing??? Super smutty catholic ?) master / servant dynamic
Handsome Sales Department is the Ideal Master 01
7/10 for consensual sex, wish they would upload this as one complete set instead of individual one shots
Daite Hoshikerya Naite Miro
Cute, consensual sex, masochist, masochist uke, coworkers, whem the job is actually relevant, heart eyes, smut, office workers, smutty af, uke begs for it, this annoyed me Last read ch 11. The first half is perfect, just two horny guys fucking and working out their feelings. Then they introduce a love rival who is just the seme again but smarmier and the uke is suddenly twice as stupid as he has been and also turns out to be a shittier person actually considering he a) has cheated on the women he used to date and b) ENCOURAGED THE GUY ACTIVELY AFTER HIS ASS to chase someone who hes been told is already dating someone. Like come ON man you're such a piece of shit
Kumo to Ito
Ch 1-3 office worker is taken to an S&M bar and gets hooked on the bartender. Very sexy but he gets like actually addicted to sex and not in the fun way. Like it actually starts to impact his work and that stresssd me out . For that, 6/10 Ch 4-6: Airhead out actor falls for the hot DILF of a photographer and seduces him in the most innocent way. This one was kinda cinematic??? Like the framing and lighting was way different than the first story?? The age gap was big and uncomfy but otherwise I liked this better. 7/10 Overall, 7/10 name on MAL is Kumo to Saga
Stage of the Dark Souls
...cant say I liked it. Cant say I hated it. Cant say it was bad either. I think I have to say this was good. I felt sick to my soul but I also appreciated what it was. I think this is the only BL about a devil where the devil was actually a devil in mind body and soul. He twisted and corrupted an already twisted man. He abused the desperation of another poor, lonely soul. I just. I cant get over how they played both stories here. Victor was just an unfortunate man in an unfortunate position. Evan was already corrupt but convinced he was infallible and wound up losing everything to his own obsession. ...I guess I'm giving it an 8/10
I'm coming, coming!
I got whiplash from how fast the twists and resolutions happened. This story went through like 5 drama arcs in 10 chapters. If this was longer, it would've made a pretty solid possessive rich uke x poor genuine hearted seme plot. As it is, I laughed at all the serious emotional development cuz they were so abrupt. For the story it was, 3/10.
Midnight Sadistic
Honestly surprisingly consensual?? Like from the start? Their first time could be considered dubcon since the uke needs the money, but its delightfully consensual from there. Uke also really wants that D and clearly enjoys the sex. The seme is surprisingly sweet and gentlemanly 6/10
Anata wa Iyarashii Hito