Kabukichou Bad Trip
uke gets trained to be a masochist for guy he likes. host x psychic model. was interesting. 7/10
Joseon Sex Shop
last ch 26. power bottom masochist ~ Update ch 15. Aww I feel bad for the sex toy maker
Motto Musunde, Aite Waya
I feel like I liked this one but I remember absolutely nothing from it. Uke was a masochist but it didnt seem like the seme was really a sadist so the relationship was unbalanced. Could be misremembering 6/10? name on MAL is Motto Musunde, Hiraite Hayaku
The Use of a Necktie
Seme was kinda annoying at first but he gets better (a bit). Personally not into bigger ukes but they're still cute of course. Light drama and lots of smutty sex. Uke is a masochist but slowly stops being one, I think? Too bad... 6/10?
Hit Me!
Mmmmmmmmmmmm. Exteme masochism. Bleeding and physical abuse during sex is very not my thing. First ever 1/10? Dunno. The guy was into but boy was I not ?/10
Junai Caricature
So the uke was just gonna sleep with the other guy no problem?? Man I do not like the uke. Seme was also kinda annoying. Relationship is unbalanced cuz the uke is an M but the seme isnt an S. 3/10
Punch Drunk Love
Last read ch 26 or something. both characters annoyed me cuz they're so self-centered but it's also kinda funny because that's sorta the source of some of their miscommunication. still. was annoying. Update ch 16. Frickin. The uke. Is so. Annoying. Hes so frickin self-centered and while I understand where all this misunderstanding is coming from his absolute lack of awareness--not even awareness, he KNOWS people dont like him--but his lack of care about how any of his actions and fantasies and shit affects other people it just really pisses me off. Like, the seme is a douche but, I cant believe I'm gon a say it, he deserves better from this maniac uke. I have a headache. I'm not reading any more of this I swear to god. Objectively like a 7/10 but I'm giving this a 2/10 for pissing me off so much
My Co-Dependent Bloom
Last read ch 3. ...am I.... missing something? I feel like I dint understand that at all. One moment we're just establishing this S&M relationship with this guy and his boss and then cut to... the boss disappeared and now it's been some years and then hes back and hes sorry?? Am I just dumb I'm so lost Smut is good tho
Shasei Kanri Dou Deshou