Vargoth's Magical Toys
dropped at ch 3. magical sex toy store. idk what it was but i could not stand any of this story. at all. didn't get far so can't rate
Summer's Curse
Aw darn that was so short. Woulda been a lot better if they'd fleshed it out more. Also would telling someone that you have to confess to them bc you like them... count as telling them that you like them??? That was a bit broken. Coulda had a lot more angst if he had to keep it to himself 5 or 6/10
Saeki-kun ni tsunagatchau!
dropped at ch 3. seme looks like... an actual child. nope.
Sahara no Sekiganrou
Got fantasy elements to it, love that. Uke can talk to snakes. Both are mercenaries living in the desert. Seriously wish they'd killed the shaman. I love Byaku but it wouldn't take thaaaaat long to kill a human with a knife. Zaza is best snek I would read a story just about her and Byaku honestly. Pretty solid story telling. Wish there was more and that it was liiiiitle more cohesive. I'd give it a high 7 or a low 8/10
A Wolf and A Bear
Is there ike a chapter missing btwn ch 4 and 5 cuz that sure.... skipped a lot 6/10
Kemono no Noroi wa Koi de Hodoku
werewolf x magician. too short but it's got that sweet, sweet angst so 7/10
5 Seconds Before a Witch Falls in Love
Cute! Tsundere witch in love with the cool witch hunter who's been after her for a while. Is a one shot so not much to go off of but I like the way this mangaka draws and treats their girls this is the first chap of a mini series about these two (I think) 6 or 7/10
Nightmare Fortress
Last read ch 5. Ngl... I am lost. I understand 0% of the plot. Art is a little rough to read. There's a lotta... rape but also the victims are kinda letting it happen on purpose so they can kill these demons? Also one of these guys who all look the same to me is some kinda artifact that can restore the demons to angel status or smth and then they get smited by god It's kinda a massive demon x exorcist orgy? kinda? idk ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Dotei Yankee Magicus