My Destined One
warning: rape not by seme can't remember what i would've rated thisso 6/10?
Friend Line
guy's coworker's bf is abusive and he can't leave him alone. gay uke x straight seme dynamic. was pretty good but i didn't like it so 5/10.
Poorly written story. Cliche af with too many characters that shoved into the story for the sake of uninteresting drama. 2/10 i guess
Wet Dream
bigger uke, not really my jam (still cute)
Yuru Fuwa Kouhai-kun wa, Tamani Gouin [Eng]
somehow they made the 30 yr old seme look 40. meh. i remember being ambivalent to this. 5/10
Vargoth's Magical Toys
dropped at ch 3. magical sex toy store. idk what it was but i could not stand any of this story. at all. didn't get far so can't rate
Ore wo Mite
Complicated, messy feelings, trauma, angst, drama @me reread this. gave it a 5/10 on MAL but an 8/10 here so i am confusion Edit: Okay so I reread it annnnnnnnd??? The story goes: Seme has been in love with the uke pretty much his whole life and has been tryna catch up (they're three years apart so each time seme enters a new school, uke is graduating). Right before they go to college, seme confesses and uke confesses their love is mutual. But then when they try to have sex, uke suddenly freaks out and breaks it off. Flash forward to uni, more complicated things happen. We find out uke's mom raised him as a replacement for his dead sister and he was also abandoned by his first "love" (its complicated) so hes got some heavy baggage and that's why he couldnt be with the seme. They work things out and get together. I'm kinda still feeling the 5 or 8. I cant tell if I like or dislike this... 7/10? It was good but also I didnt feel great when i finished? Idk
Almond o Nanatsubu
Seme starts out a scumbag who's using the uke as a replacement for his past love. He gets better tho but it's kinda unsatisfying. Uke is also kinda whatever since his character arc is kinda abrupt feeling. 3 or 4/10
Saishuu Densha