Define The Relationship
Completed at ch 98 (with an asterisk). Hm. Hm? Hmmmmm???? That kinda annoyed me??? I dunno why I didnt like this. It's got half if the tropes I like... it's got angst and drama but green flag semes and cute insecure ukes but like. The seme kinda.... pisser me off. Even when they broke up and he SAID he was feeling miserable, he doesn't show it. The uke is crying, his eyes are red rimmed and empty. He's trying his best to hold it together and fulfill his duty. And the seme just rocks up, tells--no pleading, no apology, no desperation AT ALL--tells the uke they should give it another go. I'm definitely missing huge bits of this since I started in ch 30 and also skipped like chapters 70-90. I cant complain took much But I just felt frustrated by the seme. Also the arranged marriage plot was just kinda... resolved... idk. Ummm 6/10??
Hinekure Chaser
very tsundere uke. remember reading this a long time ago. uke bullies this fluffy prince guy to get the attention of the prince's friend. was cute ish but i couldn't stand the uke. 5/10
Chiya's Just an Unstable Guy
Aww they're so cuuuute! I appreciate that the uke's self aware about his communication problems and I'm really happy he was able to overcome them enough at the end. The seme is very sweet and patient with his mess of an uke, and I loved seeing it. There's a little bit of drama, which I live for and fantastic payoff 7/10
more than red
Don't have much thoughts here. Shy, insecure, college aged uke x popular sitcom high schooler seme. No reason the seme couldnt also be a college student? Kinda weird he was a high school kid. Anyway. Pretty standard popular x unpopular dynamic (not a bad thing) 5/10
Daisy Jealousy
MC desperately wants to be a video game modeler for a big game company. It's been his dream since childhood and he works really hard in vocational school to achieve it. One of his classmates, a quite and unsociable guy, is really really good at modeling, and MC winds up developing a nasty inferiority complex. Although he acts nice to his rival, it eats away at him inside. After they graduate, and his rival lands a job at MC's dream company, our MC's jealousy reaches a head and he gives up on modeling all together. Throughout this, MC and his rival have a messy off again on again romantic relationship They're both a mess but I appreciate the realistic look at how it feels when someone is just better than you at the thing you love. Inferiority complexes are brutal. I'll be honest, I wasn't really rooting for the relationship. The rival was too oblivious and the MC's inferiority complex was too all consuming. I'm glad they worked things out but I almost would've liked this more if they didn't. Dunno. Either way, 8/10
Hitotsu Shikanai Mono
Uke has a pretty bad inferiority complex to his twin brother so he starts sleeping around under a fake name that... is or is similar to his brother's as a way to defile...them both? That part was a little confusing. Anyway, he meets a friendly salaryman who, in treating the uke kindly, forces the uke to realize he doesn't like his self destructive behavior and starts changing for the better. It was sweet watching the uke discovering how to love himself and the seme was very gentle with him. The only thing I'm lost on is the name thing. Someone explain 7/10
2nd couple was very wholesome, woulda been hella smutty too if not for the censorship. They're ACTUALLY just jerking the air Uhhh 7/10? Cute and fun
Chou to Hana no Kankeisei
Mm. That left me with a pretty ill feeling. I want explain it well but the uke is constantly insecure about their relationship and it feels like the seme plays on that. He says he pampers him but it doesn't feel that way... Plus, the seme really doesn't want the uke to get to know him. He has a private life but they're dating?? He doesnt need to explain his trauma but at least talk about everyday stuff with him? Idk. Didn't really like the relationship that was built here. 3/10
Ashita mo Tanin
Uke has an unrequited love for his childhood best friend who acts like a housewife. And then he starts talking to his nice coworker and the friend gets jealous 7/10
Ameagari no Bokura ni Tsuite