Ikemen Douryou ga Ore no Juukakin Fan Deshita
office worker, streamer, secret hobby guy's coworker finds out he's secretly a streamer and is actually a fan. i wasn't really into it. dropped at ch 4 so can't judge
Live Streaming My Love -An Awkward Boy's Quest for Romance-
Surprise exhibitionism at the end lol. Uke is an otaku and a big fan of this vtuber. Vtuber turns out to be his expressionless but hot classmate who apparently likes him and they fall in love. And then theres their friend Prince who winds up obsessed with not IRL and 2D yaoi when uke and seme fuck in of him so that was interesting 6/10
Shin'yuu to Gouri Teki ni Yaru Houhou
Uke sees seme fucking a guy in hs and devises a plan to get seme to fuck HIM and the plan is "lsts make a gay AV" and it works because they're actually both in love. Ngl I love me my serious seme's with intense eyes and short dark brown hair 6 or 7/10
First couple was pretty cute if a bit awkward. I'm glad the uke (?) realized he was being kinda cruel to the seme. That was cute I was a little more invested in the second couple but like. Damn. Just talk to each other??? Over all, 6/10?
Kono Koi Buzz rimasuka