Saikyo Yankee to Makeinu na Ore
2/10 guy gets raped by his friend. seme doesn't listen to uke :/
Randen to Saga
delinquent comes across another delinquent with the ability to heal wounds using his body fluid. 8/10
Galge no Sekai de Shinyuu ♂ ga Ore o Sukida to Iidashite!?
isekai (kinda). 5/10
Tabetemo Oishiku Arimasen
it's not bad; i was just satisfied with what i read. i don't remember what chapter i stopped at but it was probably somewhere in the second volume. 6/10
Tadatada Suki to Iu Dake de
delinquent uke is actually quite sweet under his tough demeanor and only the seme really see this. was cute. 6/10
Megumi and Tsugumi
sexual assault by a third party, action last read vol 4 ch 5. i do not like this other alpha dude... don't get in the way. update: 3rd wheel alpha got worse Update v4 ch 5. FINALLY solved the third wheel alpha problem. That was starting to really irk me. Ans now I'm worried about thisnfinner with the dad and the 3rd wheel alpha =_= Ima leave this in the read pile cuz updates are slow
Karasugaoka Don't be shy!!
cute but kinda annoyed me for whatever reason. 5/10
Otome Yankee wa Unmei no Hito wo Matsu