Unique art, standout art, smut, supernatural, dragon, demi-human, sci fi, action, boss, YOOOOOO I cant believe this is finished O_O I feel like I've been following it forever. As always this mangaka's art is so unique. The action AND smut is *chefs kiss* and the nonhuman characters actually look like non humans. Shocker. Somehow, I was expecting more intrigue, angst, and just longer story, but it was still good. 9/10
Draig Mid Knight
Uhhh knight commander finds a demi-dragon in a small village. The dragon claims the knight is his childhood friend and lowkey kidnaps him. They fuck for plot reasons and the knight falls in love. But dragons are bad in this world so the night's brother and ...kinda dad (the king) show up and theres a big fight and some drama and then it all gets resolved Uh the brother is like high key in love with his adopted dad who is actual dad age. And the dad is lowkey in love with him back. So. Anyway, kinda a messy story 4/10
TALIM - Dare mo Shiranai Ryu no Hanashi -