Junai Drop Out
this is how you do healthy, kinky relationships. 9/10
Poorly written story. Cliche af with too many characters that shoved into the story for the sake of uninteresting drama. 2/10 i guess
Romantic Letter
i remember nothing. don't care to reread
Oreni Ochitene Suzumekun Supadari na Kareni Moteasobaretemasu
Smut, cliche Last read ch 7. Pretty cliche hot salaryman falls for the sweet smile of a coffee shop employee. Things happen and coffee guy falls in love too and we have a lil last minute misunderstanding plot Unless this updates, I'm tossing this in the read pile with a solid 5/10 Update ch 7. Ey it updated and its still a 5/10. But does that mean it's gonna be long....
Kinou wa Otanosimi Deshitane
Ch 1-2: buff, slutty barista and the cute kid who's in love with him Ch 3-4: uke keeps getting dumped bc he bad at sex. His coworker offered to teach him and then fucks him in the ass Ch 5: himbo werewolf takes a liking to the the magician guy who saved him and they fuck Overall 6/10
The Secret Case Files of the Cafe April
Mm. Yeah. I was really enjoying it until the fucking snake and suddenly Miharu just totally caters to his every whim, let's him destroy things he cares about and chase away the actual ray is sunshine we've been hanging out with??? That reallllly soured the otherwise okay experience. Basically, cute guy is saved by hot guy who runs a shop. Cute guy is head over heels, starts working therez and watches as hot guy goes around sleeping every other dude's problems away. Was fine. Was expecting hot guy to grow past his trauma thanks to being around our cute sunshine... but then in the end literally everyone sucked. 3/10
Hoshi Dake Ga Shitteru
College student really down on his luck stumbles across a man just gazing at the stars in a secluded section of the park. They chat for a bit. Then the man suddenly kisses him and the poor kid is like ????? He find himself visiting the man at his coffee shop day after days and the two steadily grow closer. This one didnt hit as hard now that I've reread it like a year later, but ita still solid. It's got a strong atmosphere. The characters feel grounded. I just wasn't invested. This ones a 7/10 for me.
Shobo Shisan to BLkissa
Dropped at ch 4. FIREFIGHTER X YAOI CAFE OWNER???? LETS GOOOOO Update ch 4. Aaaaaaaaaand there's the rape. (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Horegusuri wo nonda supadari ga yabasugimasu!