Replicant - Hitsuji no Dolly wo Aisuru to Iu Koto -
Mm. Too short to do much with a premise as high concept as Man Creates a Clone of His One-Sided Crush and Then Runs Away From His Job Because His Job Wants to Harvest Organs From Clones and Also His Crush Swapped Places With the Clone so They're Actually Together. The Clone Rights thing was I guess a cute backdrop but it didnt feel like it had any weight since Chris gets together with the Real Seth, so there's no personal stake in improving the lives and rights of clones. ALSO they just used the clone for their selfish purpose... Like consequence free get out an arranged marriage card. Idk It's a short story with a premise a lil bigger than it had the room to explore, so it wound up feeling poorly thought out but still did what it wanted to in the end. 6/10
Fukusu Mobure BL