Kiss me, Liar
seme is trash. uke is pathetic, has no spine, can't think for himself, no sense of self-preservation. bad story-telling techniques. got so confused bc nothing is clear 2/10
Fucked by My Best Friend
dropped at ch 35 ish. was reaaalllly dragging so i gave up. also just not into gender benders idk. they also slut shame all the girls (including the uke as a girl) to hell and back >:( 2/10
What's with this strange dream?!
something about the seme kinda pissed me off. he made a lot of assumptions and was way too pushy.
Don't Get Me Hard, Boss!
Dropped at ch 1? Nope. The "boss" is annoying af. Useless, whiny, entitled. (‡▼益▼). can't rate *not the same as Don't Get Me Wrong, Boss! (i think)
Tsuzuki wa Asa Made
Seme was annoying af. I hate people who dump their responsibilities on other people and get a pass cuz their good looking or the life of the party. Uke was also annoying like how tf you think the seme doesnt like you the kid came on to YOU. ugh 3/10 at least it was consensual
Ideal Assets
.......that was kinda a whole lotta nothing. Uke's selfish and annoying. Seme shoved a bottle up his ass so there's that 2/10
Masashi Sato 's Room
Typical friends to lovers. Uke was annoying. He put himself in dangerous situations and then blamed the seme for it. "It's your fault I hooked up with this guy because you aren't in love with me!" blehhh. It's not so horrible but it's like a 4/10
Hinekure Chaser
very tsundere uke. remember reading this a long time ago. uke bullies this fluffy prince guy to get the attention of the prince's friend. was cute ish but i couldn't stand the uke. 5/10
Koko made Yaru towa Kiitenai!
WARNING: sexual assault by a third party. seme's old lover is like yakuza or smth and is super toxic. uke is annoying. 4/10
Love Is An Illusion