Mote Papa to Dakaretai Junjou Koushi
i love this kid. the kid out here playing cupid for his dad (≧∇≦) 8/10
The Same Time as Always, The Same Place as Always
worth giving another read bc i don't remember much name on MAL is Itsumo no Jikan, Itsumo no Basho de (MAL says it's ongoing)
Sekai wa Shippo de Dekiteiru
social worker helping to relocate a wolf kid with the only other wolf left in Japan. it was cute! 7/10
Rutta To Kodama
one of my early wholesome BL! it's a 6 or 7/10
Hana To Usagi
idk why but i didn't care for this one. 6/10 it's still good
Mr. Villain's Day Off
last read ch 73. Very fluffy slice of life about a tokutatsu villain taking is weekly day off. Mans loves pandas, which is a massive mood. It's silly and cute and then it hits you with the rangers and suddenly the tone is like... haunting. I'm absolutely loving this (no romance so far!)
Family Simulation!!