BJ alex
didn't really like this one. wasn't a fan of the seme or the uke tbh. 5 or 6/10
Yarichin Bitch Bu dj - Wa!
Our House Love Trouble
second story contains rape -_- 5/10
Oya No Kao Ga Mite Mitai
Was very weird that the 6 yo boy was in love with the uke too and was able to push him down? Otherwise was cute, cliche, and generally lacking in pedophilia. I'll give it a 5/10
Hello Morning Star
Two idols from different bands are gonna be in a show together so they have to live together for a while. Problem is that they used to be in love but had a falling out. But the uke is still in love (and so is the seme but shh don't tell anyone else that). It felt like... a lot happened and nothing happened all at once. The story doesnt spend much time on any one event. The event happens and in the same chapter we've jumped to another one. Theres little flow or at least not as much as it needs to feel wholly cohesive. Also I thought there'd be more angst but nah the two are still in love and get back together pretty much right away. 5/10 I was bored.
My Home Your Oneroom
Read this a while ago and remember almost nothing. Vaguely remember the seme being the useless | clumsy type, which annoys me personally. Also has the "I dont need anyone but you" trope which ALSO annoys me. Ima assume I'd give this either a 4 or 5/10
Yuki No Shita No Qualia
Really atmospheric and unique art but the botanist guy kinda.... sucked? Like Umi gets assaulted and mr botanist is like "that's what you get" like ??? It's literally not tho??? And this never comes up again. Botanist guy is just homophobic until hes not. Idk. I wanna say this feels grounded but that's not quite it. It feels floaty or like rather than being grounded on earth were being grounded to a cloud? 5 or 6/10. This wasnt it for me
Hot and Cold