Saiai no Otoko ni Juukou o
dropped at v3 ch 10. play actor really wants a role so he sleeps with a yakuza guy? wut. is that it? lmao the memes from the translator a spot on. wtf is this plot. dunno if there's anymore but ima just mark it as dropped. 3/10
Rise of Moonsoo
Yeah they switched but neither of them seemed to want it so it kinda seemed like they were both forcing each other to bottom 2 or 3/10
Romantic Letter
i remember nothing. don't care to reread
Kosodate Dekinai Ikumen
okay. they could have come up with any other for these two to live together ¯_(ツ)_/¯. "what are you doing step bro" 3 or 4/10
A handless day
Devil and Politician in the Playroom
Tbh it just felt like... unrealistic? There was nothing concrete about the politics. Too many elements got brought in that wound up doing nothing like the seme being in love with his adoptive dad or the women encouraging the uke to keep pushing his policies. So 3/10. smut cant save a bland plot (also i'm not into candle play, ow)
Naughty Baguette Bread
D....did he kill the ex??? Wtf was that whole scene?!?! The first half was cute since the guy just seemed so earnest and the girl, while a bit annoying, was spunky and likeable. And then turns out the guy stalked her?? And honestly it felt like he was trying to tie her down like pushing her into a marriage and being manipulative. That creeped me out. 3/10 for the disappointing stalker reveal
Misconception Love Factory
Uhhh uke is way controlling and suspicious. Major red flags here you dont need to interrogate your lover every time they go out yikes 3/10 this is a slippery slope
Selected to Serve in the Red-Light District