Kiraide Isasete
High school kid falls in love as soon as he sees the janator. He low key harasses him but then when. The omega goes into heat he protects him. The omega trusted him even though he hates alphas. This is cuz he got rappers by an alpha they fall In live cuz they’re fated mates, get married and have two more children.
Dear, 00
Beware of the Full Moon In March
This police detective person is trying to find out who stabbed mohkwa he’s a fucking bitch at first and RAPES HIM FUCK YOU to get “information out of him” after that he stops by the flower shop basically every day for no reason? he dosnt realise that he’s in love with him until he nearly dies. omfg he buys him a flower and coffee shop and starts living with him he confesses his live and does a full 360 and turns into a green flag. My baby mohkwa is such a sweetheart and fucking forgives him for raping him like bro? SO GOOD I LOVE THE TROPD BIG BOTTOM SMALLER TOP 10/10
Tattooed Love
Tattoo artist meets someone. Immediately has a crush on him. The guy asks for a tattoo the guy says yes. The next day the other guy comes over but is drunk. Tattoo artist says it’s not possible to get tattoo under the influence Of alcohol so they look at examples instead. Tattoo artist is sneaky and asks to take a look at thúng body to see where tattoo would be suitable. They end up fuckinh. Younger guy is a top. They get together, but they’re a switch couple. STOPPP I LOVE OT SO MUCH ITS SOOOO CUTEREE I LOVE THIS TROPE 15/10
Driver's High
Cut to breakup of 5 year relationship between racer and mechanic. They broke up because racer was a fucking dick taking jj for granted. They’re still fucking I love with each other tho. Racer denies caring abt jj for a while but after 4 months he reaslised he lost the best thing of his like and comes crying to jjs door. Jj is like is good luck charm. Without jj, the racer lost weight, lost races, and flipped his car. But they got back together. THIS SHIT ISSS SOOO FUCKING GOOOO BROOO I WAS TWEAKING WHEN I READ IT I LIVE THE TIMESKIP CUZ IT WOULDVE BEEN SO BORING IF IT WAS JST FROM THE START. JJ IS SOOOO FUCKING FINEER HE REMINDS ME OF SHINNN WOOF WOOOFFF 200/10
I Got Caught Up in a Magical Youth
SWITCHHHHH they fck every chap but it’s good
Rise of Moonsoo
Too short livers that can’t decide who to bottom
Romantic Captain Darling
Young guy falls in love with his captain. They have a 7 year age gap. After training taffy for a year they end up hooking up. Raspy thinks that he sexually assaulted captain and plans on turning himself him LMAOOO. He’s such a crybaby. Raffy is attached to Dante’s hip and Dante ends up falling for raffy. There were terrorists and date had to fight. Raffy thought he died and was gunna kill himself. They beat up this FUCKING BITCH TOGETHER. and raffys family is soooo surpportiveee. They start living together
Nyaa to Naitara
Guy who's openly gay gets bullied homo phobic guy stands up for him. Homophonic guy is accually a gay. They fall for eachoyher and fuck a lot. They're snitch cuz both of them are bottoms
Koi wo Suru Tsumori wa Nakatta