Miwaku No Ringo
I really love the characters. The teacher is really adorable and the student just does it's best. They are a really great couple. i REALLY ADORE THEM!!!
Oyaji Hiroimashita
The kid is just so cute and the adult looks really nice. The way they act together is adorable and the buttler gets a way younger guy too even though he was so against it.
Love-letter Of Flowers
The storys are short but really interessting. I like the characters and how they go on about it. It sure is amazing.
Brother Shuffle!
The charakters are brothers with really different personalities. But the way they were after the swap it was really amazing. And how the cute litle brother started playing the delinquent in his brothers body was just totally awesome. I like the friend of the little brother too because they just look so good together after the swap. Their personalities are just the best and the older brother is just so DAMN ADORABLE. But the changed personality of the jounger brother is way better after the Body swap. It becomes way to confusing with him and his boyfriend in the original Body. But I really like the plot ans characters. THEY ARE SOOOO CUTE!!!
Uchi No Tenshi Ga Kemono Deshita.
The otaku really has a fabel for his art and his houskeeper can adjust to it really good. He is really sweet and he knows how to deal with an otaku. SO CUTE!!!!
The teacher is a little bit selfish at the beginning because he is afraid of one of his students but his partner is managing pretty well even though the teacher always says he hates homos. But the student is SO FREAKING ADORABLE. I really like those two!!!
Abiru Junjou
The teacher is somehow cool but the student is anoying. And it just doesn't fit. The secound story is even worse. I don't even like the characters.
Ikumen Datte Koishimasu.
The adoptive father of the child is pretty much a child himself but he ends up with a handsome man and the child is really cute. I don't like the second story because the teacher is so annoying. He only pushes his love away because he cares about the oppinion of others more.
Unlucky Strike
it sure seems nice. But I like the one who isn't effected by the curse the most and wished the teacher would have fallen for him.
Love Neko