Hetakuso Love Step
last chap: 6.5 not bad ! i really like this one... kind of...
Countdown to Graduation
last chap : 15 oooh ! not bad !!
Ikujinashi no Kimi ni Sasageru
10/10 this is really close to home in a sense, and i really loved the story !
Everyone Stand Up! Boys Love Private High School
idk the concept of minors engaging in sexual activity with close to, or if not adults doesnt really sit right with me. consensual or not, this is such a weird concept
Memoirs Of Romance
FINAL CHAP: 42 OMG THE ANGST!!! SO INTERESTING 10/10 // HOLY COW THIS IS / WAS SO GOOD !!! I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT IT !! WOULD TOTS RR IF I WAS BORED FINAL SAYING: this was a good read ngl would totally rr if i have the time. so interesting and i recommend this to anyone who’s wavering on reading it or not !
Hatsukoi Encounter
Final Chap: 6 well this was super cute !!! a romcom drama!! it was really suspenseful, i found myself on the edge too many times !! >•< i recommend !!!!
Park Hanhoo's Manager
last chap: 61 so student x student >> ceo nephew x manager
Love So Pure
last chap: 39 def staying for season 2 well damn, this was definitely unexpected.
Green Apple Paradise