Tensei Ouji wa Daraketai
Tensei Kizoku no Isekai Boukenroku ~Jichou wo Shiranai Kamigami no Shito~
The only harem manga I can stand. The LI aren't terrible and it's not all about them! Can't wait to see what Cain's school life is like!!! :9
Maseki Gurume: Mamono no Chikara o Tabeta Ore wa Saikyou!
I don't like how the only relationship between RGC (Rich girl character// I forget her name) and MC was a flower and now they're engaged??? Because of a flower? They don't really know each other all that well but I am looking forward to the School arc!
Kekkaishi e no Tensei
Unlimited magic Novice Swordsman
I feel bad for our home guy cinnamon. He has no idea what happened only to have Pie go ballistic on him, didn't understand why his parents, especially the mom and brother treat him rudely whenever they had to move. Like Pie is high-key annoying to me I hate her so much. Yes I understand she went through loss too, but she was out of pocket for saying that she pitied the family that died a=for him and basically saying for him to khs but idk
Child loved by God
The Hero Who Seeks Revenge Shall Exterminate With Darkness
Some of yall need horny-repellant. Like OMG >.>
Idol Debut with an... Arabian Prince!?
9.864/10! It actually wasn't that bad!
The beginning after the end