Crimson's manga / #Criminal(9)

Criminal Interview

Complete | Queensa,Ppyong | 2000 released

Bottom is a journalist tasked with interviewing criminal top, in prison for killing people. Turns out the criminal was covering the murders for his twin brother, who wanted to kill the bottom for taking his brother's attention away from him. Includes a side character a rich boy in love with bottom, some possessive elements from him. Interesting storyline, more fleshed out than modern BLs, got a bit confusing towards the end. Okayish English, the changes in uploaders can be felt. Okayish art, full colour is a welcome perk and the top is cute. Weak ending, felt rushed. Has the cliched they meet again after a few years arc. There wasn't any actual NSFW content.

A Thousand Cranes

Complete | Jung Seokchan | 2000 released
2021-12-30 22:04 marked

Bottom witnesses a murder occur and is spotted by the top, a gang member and a higher up in a company. Top captures him but takes a liking to him, and seeing as he has a huge debt, decides to pay it off. They fall in love with each other. Okayish storyline, some of the dialogues with the side character were funny. Better English than other BLs, I think. The jokes carried through in English. Okayish art. Black and white. The art style looked a bit rudimentary.


Ongoing | Kyo Woo | 2000 released
2022-01-17 16:44 marked

Black Mirror

Complete | Muhwa,Wrist | 2000 released

Bottom forgets about his past with the top, but decides to move in with him for school reasons anyway. He is haunted by visions and reflections. Slowly, living with the top corrupts him as he realises more and more about his past, specifically their combined ability to kill people. Very good storyline. Points of the story flow into each other. Interesting concept. The characters have distinct personalities. Very good English. Very good art style. Full colour, and the characters look like actual adults. Favourited.

Cover Up

Complete | gyaga | 2019 released

A top asks a bottom tattoo artist, past prostitute, to cover up his burn scar on his back. The bottom has a stalker psycho ex with a saviour complex, who follows him along to Korea. Okayish storyline. While the metaphors and imagery are nice, I dislike the bottom a lot. Also, the psycho ex gets a possible love storyline at the very end and it doesn't go anywhere. Good English. Some blips, but otherwise understandable. Very good art style. I liked the way they were drawn. It was also full colour.


Complete | Sachimo | 2000 released

I didn't know what was going on. Two school rivals, with one becoming a detective and the other some corrupt business man? There was weird pet play. The bottom looked dirty. Ew. Couldn't follow along the storyline. Didn't pay attention to English. I didn't like the art style.


Complete | Brothers Without a Tomorrow | 2000 released

An ex-gang member top gets saved from an illegal fighting ring by a business man bottom. He becomes his bodyguard and gets used by the bottom to get back at the bottom's father. They do fall in love, at the detriment to his family. To save the bottom from previous gang members and his father looking for revenge, the top fakes the bottoms death and goes to jail. They reunite after a few years. Good storyline. Solid and thought out. Okayish English. Rusty in some places. Okayish art. Looked a bit weird in places. Same face syndrome.

When The Yakuza Falls Inlove

Ongoing | Murimi,dupal | 2019 released

A gang leader top's son mistakes bottom for his mama, making the top hire the bottom as a live-in mum. Through the son's help, they get closer and fall in love. Okayish storyline. I like the concept but it is poorly executed. The son is used as a plot device to bring the two of them together even after the initial meeting. There is no real conflict, everything is solved too quickly. Poor English. It is translated badly. Okayish art style. It has its charms.

Who's Your Daddy?

Complete | Anko,Kyunta | 2019 released
2022-03-01 15:32 marked

A bottom detective is solving the case of a killer and needs to ask the prince for help from the higher ranks of guards. Top agrees as long as bottom stays as his toy at first. Side character obsessed with bottom, is the killer. Bottom gets pregnant with top's child but doesn't know that it is the top. Very good storyline. Interesting and fleshed out, although the mpreg mechanic is a bit weird. Poor English. Badly translated. Very good art style. Charming. The characters are hot.